Video surveillance

Part of the security system

Video Surveillance is an important part of security system. The traditional monitoring system includes front camera, transmission cable and video monitoring platform.
Cameras can be divided into network digital cameras and analog cameras, which can be used as front-end video image signal acquisition. It is a comprehensive system with strong defense ability. Video surveillance is widely used in many situations because of its intuitive, accurate, timely and rich information content. In recent years, with the rapid development of computer, network and image processing and transmission technology, video surveillance technology has also had a great development.
The latest surveillance system can be used by a smartphone to automatically recognize, store and alert images. The video data is transmitted back to the control host (or smart phone) through 3G/4G/WIFI, and the host can perform real-time viewing, input, playback, retrieval and storage of the image. Thus, video surveillance of mobile Internet can be realized.

Basic Information

Video surveillance. Cameras and Surveillance in English. Including front-end camera, transmission cable, video surveillance platform. Cameras can be divided into network digital cameras and analog cameras, which can be used as front-end video image signal acquisition. The complete video surveillance system is composed of camera, transmission, control, display, record and register 5 parts. The camera transmits the video image to the control host through network cable or coaxial video cable, and then the control host distributes the video signal to each monitor and video equipment. At the same time, the voice signal to be transmitted can be synchronously input into the video recorder. By controlling the host, the operator can issue commands to control the up, down, left and right movements of the head and the zoom operation of the lens, and can realize the switch of the multi-channel camera through the video matrix. Using the special video processing mode, the image can be input, playback, retrieval and storage.
The following products are included in video surveillance:
1) Camera
2) Aperture lens
3) Hard disk video recorder
4) Matrix
5) Control the keyboard
6) Monitor
In the smart home system, video surveillance system is a part of the home security system, is a common optional system, especially in the villa application.
With the continuous development of video technology, video surveillance can be divided into two categories: network digital video surveillance system and analog signal video surveillance (embedded DVR system).

System interface diagram

The video monitoring system implements the integration and linkage of video monitoring and conference, and can manage remote devices flexibly and effectively. Through the application of video recording, playback, linkage alarm, monitoring strategy formulation, emergency command and other applications of remote monitoring objects, the dual functions of monitoring and communication can be achieved to fully meet the requirements of remote monitoring and emergency command in various fields such as transportation, water conservancy, oil field, banking and telecommunications.

History of Development
The video surveillance system has developed for a short period of more than 20 years, from analog surveillance to hot digital surveillance and then to the rising network video surveillance, earth-shaking changes have taken place. In the IP technology gradually unified the world today, we need to re-understand the video surveillance system development history. From a technical point of view, the development of video surveillance systems is divided into the first generation of analog video surveillance systems (CCTV), the second generation of digital video surveillance systems (DVR) based on “PC+ multimedia card”, and the third generation of entirely IP network video surveillance systems (IPVS).
With the development of technology, wireless video surveillance system will be one of the most popular applications of wireless network technology. At the same time with the construction of wireless city, wireless video surveillance will be one of its killer applications.
Wireless video services have high requirements on bit error rate, switching efficiency, delay, and bandwidth stability. If these aspects are not handled properly, the video will appear Mosaic, screen hopping, and pause. As is known to all, WLAN technology was not originally designed in accordance with the requirements of large-scale operation system of telecommunications. The basic version of WLAN has no provisions for cross-AP switching, and the switching efficiency of general terminals between aps is very low. In addition, AP and terminals do not process video services specifically. Similar to common PS domain data, these factors may cause difficulties in implementing real-time video surveillance and voice services.
The first generation
The first generation of video surveillance is the traditional analog closed circuit video surveillance system (CCTV)
Rely on specialized equipment such as cameras, cables, video recorders and monitors. For example, a video camera outputs a video signal through a dedicated coaxial cable. The cable is connected to specialized analog video equipment such as video picture dividers, matrices, switchers, VCRS and video monitors. Analog CCTV has a number of limitations:
Limited monitoring capability: Only local monitoring is supported, limited by analog video cable transmission length and cable amplifier.
Limited scalability: Systems are usually limited by the input capacity of video splitters, matrices, and switchers.
Video load users must remove or replace the video tape from the video recorder for preservation, and the video tape is prone to loss, theft or inadvertent erasure.
Poor video quality is the main limiting factor. Video quality decreases as the number of copies increases.
The second generation
The second generation of video surveillance is the current “analog – digital” surveillance system (DVR) :
The “analog-digital” monitoring system is based on the digital hard disk recorder DVR as the core of the semi-analog-semi-digital scheme. From the camera to the DVR, the coaxial cable is still used to output the video signal. The video recording and playback are supported through the DVR at the same time, and the limited IP network access can be supported. DVR systems still have a number of limitations:
Complex cabling The analog-to-digital solution still requires a separate video cable for each camera, resulting in complex cabling.
Limited scalability: DVRS are typically limited to 16 cameras at a time.
Limited manageability: You need external servers and management software to control multiple DVRS or monitoring points.
Limited remote monitoring/control capability: You cannot access any camera from any client. You can only access the camera indirectly through the DVR.
Risk of disk failure Compared with RAID redundancy and tape, the analog-digital solution has no protection and is prone to loss.
The third generation
The third generation of video surveillance is the future full IP video surveillance system IPVS:
The all-IP video surveillance system is significantly different from the previous two schemes. The advantage of the system is that the camera has a built-in Web server and provides an Ethernet port directly. Instead of generating images in the form of continuous analog video signals, these cameras generate JPEG or MPEG4 data files that can be accessed, monitored, recorded, and printed by any authorized client from anywhere in the network. Full IP video surveillance system its great advantages are:
Simplicity – All cameras are simply connected to the network via cost-effective wired or wireless Ethernet, enabling you to leverage existing LAN infrastructure. You can transmit camera output images and horizontal, vertical, and PTZ control commands using a Class 5 cable or wireless network (or even power directly over Ethernet).
Powerful central control – an industry standard server and a set of control management application software can run the entire monitoring system.
Easy to upgrade with full expandability – easily add more cameras. The central server will be easily upgraded to faster processors, larger disk drives, and greater bandwidth.
Full Remote monitoring – Any authorized client can directly access any camera. You can also access monitoring images through a central server.
Rugged Redundant memory – Permanently protects monitoring images from hard drive failures using SCSI, RAID, and tape backup storage technologies simultaneously.
The fourth generation
The fourth generation video surveillance is based on cloud computing video surveillance
Cloud monitoring realizes the leap of video surveillance access to the Internet, gives full play to the value of video surveillance, and the application is more flexible.

Main components

Acquisition system

The video acquisition system is mainly composed of the cameras of each observation point, which mainly completes the video image signal acquisition. It consists of 8 high-performance color digital cameras. The main realization of each collection point video collection.

Each cashier in the supermarket is set up 1 fixed monitoring point, a total of 5 points; There are two monitoring points with a ball-shaped head at the edge of the jewelry counter and the makeup cabinet. A fixed monitoring point is arranged on the billing counter; Set up a monitoring point at the gate of CP; Allocate 7 monitoring points in the sales area of the supermarket; The whole project has 16 monitoring points.

Pan head lens

The pans-head lens control system mainly consists of the pans-head and the controller. It is used to change the observation position of the remote control camera in the monitoring center and to enlarge and narrow the image of the observation point.

Transmission of signal
Signal transmission is divided into wired and wireless transmission, and transmission mode and transmission wire have great influence on the signal.
In this system, the signal transmission system mainly includes power signal transmission, video signal transmission and control signal transmission line of three parts.
Video processing
The video processing system mainly completes the digital processing of the video signal, the display of the image signal, the storage of the image signal and the remote transmission of the image signal. The system uses hard disk video recording and remote transmission system to realize the display, video recording and playback of all collection points and remote browsing.
Other parts
1. Monitoring front end: used to collect monitoring information of monitored points, and can be equipped with alarm equipment. Monitoring front ends can be divided into two categories:
(1) Ordinary camera + video server. Normal cameras can be analog or digital cameras. The original video signal is transmitted to the video server, encoded by the video server, and transmitted to other devices over the network using TCP/IP.
(2) Webcam. Webcam is an advanced camera equipment integrating camera, video coding and Web service, embedded with TCP/IP protocol stack. You can connect directly to the network.
2. Management center: responsible for the management, control, alarm processing, video recording, video playback and user management of all front-end equipment. The functions of each part are performed by dedicated servers.
3. Monitoring center: It is used for centralized monitoring of the area under its jurisdiction, including TV wall and monitoring client terminal group. There can be one or more monitoring centers in the system.
4. PC client: Outside the monitoring center, the PC can also be connected to the network for remote monitoring.
5. Wireless bridge: Wireless bridge is used to access wireless data networks and access the Internet. Through the wireless bridge, the monitoring information of the IP network can be transmitted to the wireless terminal, and the control command of the wireless terminal can be transmitted to the video surveillance management system of the IP network. The common wireless network is CDMA network.

Functional Requirements

At present, for monitoring system, users’ demand for its functions has reflected the diversification and systematization. The requirements are mainly reflected in the following aspects:
Remote access. Traditional video surveillance is generally carried out in a small area, but users generally require that the access site is not restricted by the region, and they can visit the monitored site anytime and anywhere.
Multiple people access the same monitoring site at the same time. Traditionally, a monitoring point is accessed by a monitoring center (user). The same monitoring point is likely to be accessed by multiple users at the same time, and these users may not be related to each other. The complexity of user access will require the system to strengthen the management of access rights.
Monitoring points tend to disperse, while monitoring tends to centralize. The monitoring points belonging to the same user are increasingly dispersed and not limited by region. For these scattered monitoring points, centralized management and control are needed.
The monitoring system is required to be open and expandable. The same system should support a variety of different types of monitoring equipment, the number of users, the number of monitored points can be easily increased or decreased.
Mass data storage. The network makes the traditional local video recording function can be transferred to the remote server, which makes it possible to store massive data. At the same time, the system is required to have stronger storage, retrieval and backup functions.
Information security. The complexity of the system, the diversification of users, and the business characteristics of video surveillance itself must require the system to provide a strong guarantee of information security.
Intelligent video surveillance. The future video surveillance system will not only be limited to passively providing video images, but also require the system itself to be intelligent enough to identify different objects, find abnormal situations in the monitoring images, issue alarms and provide useful information in the fastest and best way, so as to more effectively assist security personnel to deal with crises and minimize false alarms and missing alarms. Become a powerful auxiliary tool to respond to attacks and deal with emergencies. Intelligent video surveillance can also be applied to a variety of non-security related scenarios, such as traffic management, customer behavior analysis, and customer service, to improve users’ return on investment.
System Functions
1. High security, image mask technology to prevent illegal tampering with video data; Only authorized users can enter the system to view and call video materials, and can issue administrative accounts with different permissions to managers of different identities; Effectively prevent malicious damage; The powerful log management function ensures the safe use of the dedicated system. All data transmitted between the server and the client is encrypted.
2. The server platform structure is convenient, and the client software can be conveniently installed in the building monitoring room/city public Security Bureau, district (county) public security Bureau and police stations. Users only need to assign login accounts with different permissions, that is, they can view the image data of front camera monitoring points.
3. Permission management To ensure the privacy of Internet users and the security of video data, the video monitoring system has operation permission management, system login, operation of strict permission control, to ensure the security of the system.
4, remote video surveillance monitoring personnel can remotely retrieve the surveillance images stored in Internet cafes, and can remotely issue control commands, intelligent video data retrieval, playback, adjust the focal length of the camera lens, control the head for patrol or local detail observation.
5. Local video recording, save the local video surveillance data within a certain period of time, and can easily query, evidence, to provide a basis for the subsequent investigation
6. Anytime and anywhere surveillance video function. No matter where you are, any user authorized by password can connect to the monitoring network through the computer around you, see the instant image of any monitoring network and record the video as required, avoiding the inconvenience of supervision and management caused by geographical distance.
7. The video monitoring system includes the management of basic information of Internet cafes, and the combination of electronic map. When an emergency occurs in Internet cafes, the basic information (telephone number, address, person in charge) of Internet cafes can be obtained in time, and the relevant person in charge of Internet cafes can be contacted more quickly.
8. The system has strong scalability. If you need to add new monitoring networks, you can add corresponding Internet bar information and device information on the server.
9, Internet bar monitoring and electronic map combination, can be more intuitive view the geographical location of Internet bar distribution through the electronic map, and real-time display on the electronic map of Internet bar monitoring equipment running status, when the user needs to view the monitoring information of an Internet bar as long as the electronic map double-click the Internet bar can enter the monitoring interface of the Internet bar.
Principle of Operation
For the video surveillance system, according to the different functions of each part of the system, the whole video surveillance system is divided into seven layers — the presentation layer, the control layer, the processing layer, the transmission layer, the execution layer, the support layer and the acquisition layer. Of course, due to the increasing integration of devices, some devices may exist in the system as multiple layers at the same time for some systems.
I. Presentation layer
Presentation layer is the most intuitive we feel, it shows the quality of the whole video surveillance system. Such as monitoring TV wall, monitor, treble alarm horn, alarm automatic connection telephone and so on belong to this layer.
Ii. Control layer
The control layer is the core of the whole video surveillance system, which is the most clear embodiment of the system’s technological level. Usually we have two kinds of control – analog control and digital control. Analog control is an early control mode. Its console is usually composed of controller or analog control matrix, which is suitable for small local video surveillance system. This control mode has low cost and small failure rate. However, for medium and large video surveillance systems, this method is complicated and has no price advantage, so we should choose digital control more wisely. Digital control is to take the industrial control computer as the control core of the monitoring system. It changes the complex analog control operation into a simple mouse click operation, shrinks the huge analog controller stack into an industrial control computer, and turns the complex and large number of control cables into a serial telephone line. It makes medium and remote video monitoring a reality and makes it possible for Internet remote monitoring. But the digital control is not so perfect, the price of the control host is very expensive, the waste of modules, the system may collapse crisis, the control is lagging behind and so on problems still exist.
Three. Processing layer
The processing layer may be called the audio and video processing layer, which distributes, amplifies, divides and so on the audio and video signals sent by the transmission layer, and organically connects the presentation layer and the control layer. Audio and video distributor, audio and video amplifier, video splitter, audio and video switcher and other equipment belong to this layer.
Four. Transport layer
The transport layer is the lifeblood of a video surveillance system. In the small video monitoring system, the most common transmission layer equipment is the video line, audio line, for the medium and remote monitoring system, we often use radio frequency line, microwave, for remote monitoring, we usually use the Internet, a cheap carrier. It is worth mentioning that the new transmission layer medium – cable/optical fiber. Most people in the digital security monitoring there is a misunderstanding, they think that the control layer use of digital control video surveillance system is digital video surveillance system, in fact, it is not. The transmission medium of pure digital video surveillance system must be network cable or optical fiber. When signals emerge from the collection, they have been tuned into digital signals. Digital signals have been running on the mature network. Theoretically, there is no attenuation, which ensures the no-loss display of remote monitoring images, which is incomparable to analog transmission. Of course, high performance returns also require high cost input, which is one of the most important reasons that pure digital video surveillance system can not be popularized.
5. Executive layer
The execution layer is the command object for us to control the instructions. In some cases, it is completely separate from the support layer and acquisition layer we mentioned later. We believe that the controlled object is the execution layer equipment. For example: head, lens, decoder, ball and so on.
6. Support layer
As the name implies, the support layer is used to support the back-end equipment, protect and support the acquisition layer, execution layer equipment. It includes support, protective cover and other auxiliary equipment.
Vii. Collection layer
The acquisition layer is the key factor of the quality of the whole video surveillance system, and it is also the place where the system cost is the biggest. It includes lenses, surveillance cameras, alarm sensors, and more.

The characteristics of

1. The digitalization of video surveillance should first change the information flow (including video, audio, control, etc.) in the system from analog state to digital state, which will completely break the structure of “classic CCTV system centered on camera imaging technology”, and fundamentally change the way and structural form of video surveillance system from information collection, data processing, transmission, system control, etc. The digitalization, coding and compression of information flow and open protocol make the intelligent network video monitoring system and each subsystem of security system realize seamless connection, and realize management and control on a unified operating platform, which is the meaning of system integration.
2. Video surveillance The network of video surveillance will transition from the integrated system to the distributed system in the structure of this system. The distributed system adopts the form of multi-layer and hierarchical structure, and has the micro-kernel technology of multi-task, multi-user and distributed operating system to realize the rapid response of pre-emptive task scheduling algorithm. The hardware and software of distributed video surveillance system are designed with standardization, modularization and systemization. The configuration of video surveillance system equipment has the features of strong universality, good openness, flexible system configuration, perfect control function, convenient data processing, friendly man-machine interface, simple installation, debugging and maintenance of the system, system safety, fault tolerance and reliability.
3. The network of video surveillance to some extent breaks the geographical and quantitative limits of distribution control area and equipment expansion. System networking will make the whole network system hardware and software resources and tasks and load sharing, which is an important concept of system integration.
The closed-circuit monitoring system can reflect the picture of the monitored object timely, graphically and truly in the occasions where people cannot directly observe. Closed circuit monitoring system has become the majority of users, in the modern management of monitoring the most effective observation tool. In the control center, as long as one staff operation, can observe multiple controlled areas, as well as remote area monitoring function.
The development of video surveillance system has roughly experienced three stages. Before the early 1990s, the CCTV monitoring system was mainly based on analog equipment, known as the first generation of analog monitoring system. In the mid-1990s, with the improvement of computer processing power and the development of video technology, people use the high-speed data processing power of computer to collect and process video. This multimedia main control system based on P and C machine is called the second generation digital local video surveillance system. In the late 1990s, with the rapid improvement of network bandwidth, computer processing power and storage capacity, called the third generation of remote video surveillance system. Relying on the network, the third generation video surveillance system takes the compression, transmission, storage and playback of digital video as the core, and features intelligent and practical image analysis. It has triggered the technical revolution of the video surveillance industry, and has been highly valued by the academia, industry and user departments.
Six outstanding Features
Video surveillance is an important part of security system. It is a comprehensive system with strong defense ability. Video surveillance is widely used in many situations because of its intuitive, accurate, timely and rich information content. In recent years, with the rapid development of computer, network and image processing and transmission technology, video surveillance technology has also had a great development. Video surveillance technology plays an important role in security system. What are its outstanding features in practical application?
1) Video surveillance itself is an active detection method, which is different from the general light intensity detection method. It is a direct detection of the target. At the same time, it can associate multiple detection results for accurate judgment, so it is the best means of real-time dynamic monitoring. Image technology can realize all the elements of the security system (detection, system monitoring, perimeter and access management).
2) Effective auxiliary means of other technical systems, such as the review means of anti-intrusion alarm system. In the early security system, the role of TV monitoring is alarm review, due to the high cost, can only be used in the high security requirements. Now it is widely used in various technical systems (alarm, feature recognition, building environment monitoring, etc.). Real-time, real and intuitive information is the main basis of command and decision making.
3) The integrity and authenticity of the recorded information. The recording and storage of information is the basic functional requirements of the security system, and its real value lies in the integrity and authenticity of the recorded information. The information recorded by the video surveillance system is the most complete and true content in the security system, which can be used as evidence and provide basis for the investigation after the event. This is not possible with other technology systems. It can not only record the state when the event occurs, but also record the process of event development and the result of disposal, providing a meaningful reference for improving the system.
4) The video monitoring system can realize resource sharing with the technical system outside the security system and become a part of other automation systems. Such as fire, building management. In the security system, only the TV monitoring system can realize the resource sharing with other building automation systems. The Egress system can share resources with other management systems, but the sharing degree is limited and the effect is not good because of the huge difference in security requirements.
5) Video surveillance is the core of technology integration and function integration of the security defense system. Generally, the best way to achieve system integration is to expand functions with a subsystem as the core, realize functional linkage with other subsystems, and form a unified control platform (operation interface). At present, the most common and mature integration way of security system is to take the video surveillance system (the central equipment, such as video matrix) as the core, realize the functional linkage with other subsystems (intrusion detection and inlet and exit control), such as image switching, functional linkage, and establish a comprehensive human-computer interaction interface (GUI). With other subsystems as the core, technology and function integration can also be realized, but they are not as reasonable and economical as the former.
6) Video surveillance is a technical system with minimal impact on the daily business work in the security area. The operation of the security system is intertwined with the normal business work, and improper handling will interfere with each other, such as the influence of the installation and/or withdrawal of the intrusion detection system and the identification of the entrance and exit control system on the daily access. Because of its passive working mode, video surveillance system is a system that has the least impact on daily business.
Compared with traditional analog monitoring, digital monitoring has many advantages
First, it is convenient for computer processing. Because the video image is digitized, it can make full use of the computer’s fast processing power to compress, analyze, store and display it. Through video analysis, abnormal conditions can be found in time and the linkage alarm can be made, so as to achieve unattended.
Second, suitable for long-distance transmission. Digital information has strong anti-interference ability, is not easy to be affected by the attenuation of the transmission line signal, and can be encrypted transmission, so it can be thousands of kilometers away from the real-time monitoring of the scene. Especially when the site environment is harsh or it is not convenient to go directly into the site, digital video surveillance can achieve the effect of on-site. Even if the scene is destroyed, the real record of the scene can be obtained from a distance.
Third, it is easy to find. In the traditional analog monitoring system, when something goes wrong, it takes a lot of time to watch the video tape to find the live record. In the digital video surveillance system, the index built by the computer can be used to find the corresponding field records within a few minutes.
Fourth, improve the quality of the image and monitoring efficiency. Using the computer can be not clear image noise, sharpening and other processing, by adjusting the size of the image, with the help of the high resolution of the monitor, you can see a clear high-quality image. In addition, 16 – or even 32-channel video images can be viewed simultaneously on a single monitor.
Fifth, the system is easy to manage and maintain. Digital video surveillance system mainly consists of electronic equipment, high integration, video transmission can be wired or wireless channels. In this way, the whole system is modular structure, small size, easy to install, use and maintain.
It is precisely because digital video surveillance has the advantages that traditional analog surveillance cannot compare, and conforms to the development trend of digitalization, networking and intelligence in the current information society, so digital video surveillance is gradually replacing analog surveillance, widely used in all walks of life.

1, the use of the most advanced digital compression technology (MPEG-4), through computer processing to achieve the image display, storage, playback and remote transmission
2, each way display, storage, playback can reach 6.25 frames/second
3, display resolution up to 768*576, storage, playback resolution up to 384*288
4, the observation of each observation point can be hard disk storage.
5. You can play back historical storage records in a stored procedure.
6. Historical records are time-stamped
7, the system integration is high in the computer can achieve all operations
8, all use WINDOWS interface, easy and flexible operation
Remote image browsing can be achieved through PSTN, ISDN, LAN, WAN.

Historical development
With the rapid development of the surveillance industry, the development of video surveillance system has roughly experienced three stages.

Before the end of the last century, mainly based on analog equipment, including camera and tape recorder full analog TV monitoring system, known as the first generation of analog monitoring system; At this stage, no video surveillance software is used in the monitoring system.
In the 21st century, with the rapid development of computer technology, computer video processing technology continues to mature, people use the high-speed data processing capacity of the computer for video acquisition and compression processing, using the high resolution of the monitor to achieve multi-screen image display, thus greatly improving the image quality, because the transmission is still using the traditional analog video cable, So it is called the second generation of semi-analog and semi-digital local video surveillance system; The monitoring software used at this stage is basically PC single DVR software.
Since 2004, with the improvement of network bandwidth and the reduction of cost, the increase of hard disk capacity and the reduction of central storage cost, as well as the emergence of various practical video processing technologies, video surveillance has stepped into a fully digital network era. Because it directly enters the network from the camera or network video server, Based on digital video compression, transmission, storage and playback, it relies on powerful platform software to implement management, so it is called the third generation of all-network video surveillance management system. In the third-generation video surveillance system, video surveillance software is essential. Common users need to use video surveillance software for daily monitoring applications, and system administrators need to use video surveillance software for comprehensive management and maintenance of all hardware and software resources in the monitoring system. It is no exaggeration to say that video surveillance software is indispensable. Video surveillance software is the core of the third generation video surveillance system.

Platform Application

Apply for a domain name for each monitoring device. The DDNS platform system probes the current IP address of the monitoring device and notifies the remote monitoring device. The remote monitor accesses each monitoring device using a fixed domain name. You do not need to know whether the IP address changes. When implementing a video surveillance project, an enterprise can select a DDNS service based on the actual situation. Specific implementation methods are as follows.
1. Plug the router
2. Integrated DDNS monitoring device
3. Run DDNS client software
On the device parameter setting screen, select DDNS Settings on the server, enable DDNS, and select the provider, DDNS server IP address, DDNS domain name, and DDNS server port. Apply for a DDNS user account in Internet Explorer, and add the server name, child domain name, and parent domain name to the device. Map the Web port and data port to the outermost route of the network where the device resides, and verify the connection until the device port is connected through Telnet.
Microcomputer Processor 32Bit RSIC Embedded Processor
Operating system Embedded Linux system
Video compression mode Motion-JPEG
Signal system PAL or NTSC
Frame rate –>25fps
Resolution PAL: VGA (640*480), SIF (320*240), QSIF (160*120)
Network interface RJ45, 10/100m Adaptive Ethernet interface Supports network protocols such as TCP/IP, HTTP, ICMP, DHCP, FTP, SMTP, and PPPoE IP address Static IP address or dynamic IP address
Intelligent video surveillance is an embedded video server integrated with intelligent behavior recognition algorithm, which can identify and judge the behaviors of people or vehicles in the scene and generate alarms to prompt users under appropriate conditions. Combined with CreMedia6.0 center management system software, it can complete more linkage alarm functions.


Object recognition
Being able to distinguish between categories of moving objects, whether it’s a car, whether it’s a motorcycle, whether it’s a person, whether it’s an airplane, etc., is the basis for other kinds of recognition
Identification of transgression
By artificially drawing a line or curve on the video screen, the behavior of the object crossing this boundary can be identified. For example, the field of vision is a road, draw a line to divide the road into two ends, assuming that the definition from left to right is legal, from right to left is illegal, once the vehicle crossed the line, the device will judge whether it is illegal, illegal will generate an alarm.
Track of trajectory
After identifying a moving object, you can trace its movement through the site behind the moving element. Such as squares, stations and other public places, people shuttle through, the device can display and record everyone’s walking track, if a person for a long time wandering in the field of vision, beyond a certain time, the device will automatically alarm to find suspicious behavior of people.
Identification of lost property
It is suitable for warehouse, station, exhibition hall, security check and other places. If a backpack is lost in a place for a long time and no one picks it up, beyond the set time, the system will generate an alarm. Or in places like exhibition hall, if a piece of display is missing, the device can also detect and alarm.
License plate recognition
If the scene is an intersection or a neighborhood entrance; As long as the license plate area appears in the video, the device can automatically recognize the license plate number; And in the form of text prompts the user. It can be used for illegal vehicle inspection. For example, if a vehicle with a license plate escapes after an accident and does not know where to go, if there is an intelligent video server at each key crossing in the city, the system can only set one or several license plate numbers that need to be checked into each intelligent device in the system through the network at one time. Once a vehicle with this license plate appears in the field of vision, it can immediately alarm. Save a lot of police resources.
Speed measurement
For example, there is a speed warning area of 200M on the expressway to remind the driver not to speed, but speeding still occurs frequently; Imagine installing a smart video server on a highway. We just draw two lines in the field of vision. If we know the actual distance between the two lines is 100 meters, the device can automatically calculate the speed of each passing vehicle and immediately alarm the speeding. New York Department of Transportation’s Traffic Management Center for real-time traffic speed data.
Traffic Statistics
Smart devices can identify pedestrians and cars passing by and count the number of people or cars passing by; Imagine installing such a smart device at an intersection or at the entrance of an exhibition center, and you can count the flow of cars or people passing by. Provide more and more timely information for bus dispatching.
Retrograde alarm
For example, one-way streets, or exits or entrances of stations and airports, traffic flows in one direction. Once someone is driving in the wrong direction, the system will automatically recognize them and generate an alarm.
Recognition of graffiti
The original clean wall, people paste small advertising, telephone or graffiti, etc., hinder the appearance of the city. With the intelligent monitoring system equipment, can detect such graffiti behavior in time, and timely alarm.
Recognition of behavior
Parks, squares, stations and other public places, a large number of people, any sudden harm to personal safety may cause heavy losses and negative impact. Intelligent identification system, can timely detect the abnormal behavior of people or vehicles, sudden running, falling, chasing and other behaviors, the system will find and remind the manager in time.


What is the relationship between video surveillance “integration” and monitoring management platform? In the business era of comprehensive services, the monitoring management platform contains a variety of security products, from video surveillance to anti-theft alarm, from face recognition to communication management, from hardware collocation to software management, all of which are essential content in the monitoring management platform. To put it simply, the video surveillance management platform can realize the equipment management of the whole network of the video surveillance system. At the same time, it can expand the management scope and increase the management of linkage alarm and access control. In a word, this is the highest level of video surveillance integrated management.
Whether it is monitoring integrated service or monitoring management platform, user demand determines the market share. When more and more users pay attention to the “one-stop solution”, monitoring management platform will be promising. Especially under the promotion of safe city and intelligent transportation projects, in order to meet the needs of hundreds or thousands of point monitoring and storage, the management platform can not be less.

Common Faults

After a monitoring system enters the debugging stage, trial operation stage and delivery, there may be some kinds of failure phenomena, such as: can not operate normally, the system can not reach the technical index required by the design, the overall performance and quality is not ideal, and some “soft faults”. These problems are inevitable for a monitoring project, especially for a complex and large-scale monitoring project.
1. Equipment failure caused by incorrect power supply
2. Because some equipment (such as the camera with three variable lens and the head) is connected to a lot of lines, if not handled well, especially the line connected to the equipment is not handled well, there will be circuit breaker, short circuit, poor insulation between the lines, misconnection and other problems, resulting in equipment damage and performance degradation.

Direction of evolution

Trend 1 Networking: No longer a trend, it has arrived
From initial skepticism to consensus, the discussion about networking as a trend has been going on for nearly five years. It’s time to revise this narrative: the web is no longer a trend, it’s literally here with us.
From the market data, from 2004 to 2007, the share of analog surveillance in video surveillance decreased from 56.9% to 19.7%, the share of digital surveillance in video surveillance increased from 35.7% to 54.4%, and the share of network surveillance in video surveillance increased from 7.4% to 25.9%. In other words, the proportion of traditional analog surveillance has decreased significantly. Although the proportion of digital surveillance represented by DVR is increasing, the CAGR is only 11%, while the CAGR of network surveillance is 37%. From 2008 to 2009, based on the prediction of the accelerated popularization of network surveillance and the increasing rate of its proportion year by year, it is estimated that the proportion of network video surveillance in the whole video surveillance may reach more than 40%, which is close to the proportion of digital surveillance.
From the perspective of industry application, the main industry markets for video surveillance have tended to give priority to network monitoring. For example, more than half of the “safe City” projects of government agencies and public security agencies explicitly stated that they would choose network monitoring. The financial and transportation industries have demonstrated a clear need for greater connectivity in recent years, and after experiencing the pain of analog and digital surveillance and the surprise of how easily network surveillance can be implemented, networking has undoubtedly become the first choice. The education industry, due to the improvement of network infrastructure, is obviously inclined to network monitoring without exception.
From the point of view of the network environment, today’s network has been fully equipped with video transmission and video communication requirements, everyone’s recognition of this degree has also changed. At the beginning, the main concerns of users on network monitoring are mainly in four aspects: network bandwidth, network delay, network stability and network security. Even on the Internet, stable, clear and smooth interactive video applications can be carried out, including video conference, video chat, online movie watching, etc. The bandwidth, delay and stability have completely exceeded our previous imagination, and can fully meet the load-bearing requirements of video surveillance. With the help of user authentication, code stream encryption and other security technologies, In fact, network transmission is more secure than analog monitoring bare-line transmission and less susceptible to external interference.
Trend Two HD: The next milestone
With the advent of the network, high-definition monitoring becomes possible, and the trend is very obvious. In 2010, HD monitoring will be a hot topic of discussion and will be an important factor in opening the competitive gap between manufacturers. Due to the impact of price and overall solution, HD monitoring in 2009 first gained some applications in high-end industries such as finance, transportation and medical care. As more and more market entrants join the HD video conferencing market and drive down costs, the HD video conferencing market will gradually mature and gain more application markets in 2010.
Why only the Internet can drive HD? In order to realize the real HD surveillance, HD must be fully supported from the video source collection, video signal compression and encoding, video browsing, video playback and other aspects. Uncompressed HD video signals can be transmitted in analog and digital modes. YPbPr component is generally used for analog transmission. One HD video signal requires three coaxial cables for simultaneous transmission. Digital transmission usually adopts DVI, HDMI or HD-SDI transmission. The transmission distance of DVI or HDMI is only a few meters, which is not suitable for monitoring transmission. Although HD-SDI can transmit about 100 meters, it requires high coaxial cable and the price of cable is also very expensive. It can be seen that the transmission cost of HD video signal will be significantly higher than that of standard definition video signal, whether it is analog or digital transmission. In addition, the current HD video sensor mainly CMOS, CMOS sensor directly output digital video signal. It is more economical to compress and encode the digital HD video signal directly through DSP or ASIC in the camera and then transmit it through the network mode. It can be said that front-end networking is the basis of HD applications, which can also be confirmed from the current situation that the HD cameras used for surveillance in the market are basically network cameras.
Trend 3 Popularization: civil market penetration Because of the coming of the network, the popularization trend of video surveillance is becoming more and more obvious, and the penetration into the civil market is one of the embodiment. Due to the development of the network and the intervention of telecom operators, the application of video surveillance in the civil market such as shops, homes and individuals is getting more and more attention, and this kind of business is called the public business by the operators. This market will become the next explosive growth point of video surveillance. The demand of this market is mainly reflected in alarm linkage and mobile monitoring, which specifically involves IP front-end accessing various alarm devices such as infrared, door sensor, smoke sensor and temperature sensor in wireless or wired way, sending SMS messages to notify users when detecting alarms, and users browsing real-time monitoring images through PCS or mobile phones. From 2009 to 2010, with the commercial use of 3G, wireless video surveillance will really remove the barriers of transmission bandwidth, and greatly promote the further penetration and popularization of video surveillance services in the civil market.